4 Amazing Benefits of Lavender Oil Everyone Should Know

4 Amazing Benefits of Lavender Oil Everyone Should Know

June 07, 2017

But just how beneficial is this essential oil, or is it just hype that it boasts numerous benefits in comparison to other essential oils? 

Historically, lavender oil has been used across the world for over 2,000 years. For instance

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6 Potential Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

6 Potential Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

June 07, 2017

Tee tree is an essential oil that is distilled from the leaves of a native Australian plant known as Melaleuca alternifolia. Tea tree oil has been in use for over a century as

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The Incredible Frankincense Oil Benefits

The Incredible Frankincense Oil Benefits

June 07, 2017

t’s no doubt that frankincense oil is the king of all essential oils, and it’s renowned for its amazing healing and therapeutic properties.

The Boswellia trees mainly grown in the African and Arabian regions are the source of this glorious product.

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Tea Tree Oil for Acne

Tea Tree Oil for Acne

June 07, 2017

Suffering from acne? You are not alone...SIGH! Many teenagers go through this skin issue - a pimple or two occasionally pop on the face - which is not a big deal, until the pimples rear their ugly heads. You are pretty young and oily skin turns ugly and wrinkled, you turn from beauty to beast,

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Amazing 6 Eucalyptus Oil Benefits You Need To Know

Amazing 6 Eucalyptus Oil Benefits You Need To Know

April 19, 2016

Did you know that eucalyptus oil is a must have oil due to its tremendous health benefits, and perfect for various common ailments? This colorless liquid oil has a sweet and woody scent. It is extracted from eucalyptus leaves through the steam distillation process.

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What Is Castor Oil Used For? Learn about the castor oil uses and benefits.

What Is Castor Oil Used For? Learn about the castor oil uses and benefits.

April 19, 2016

If you've been to the health food store lately, or you've passed by the medicine aisle at the grocery store, you've probably seen castor oil. This oil has been used as a natural remedy for century, and has several uses for skin..

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List of Essential Oils and their amazing benefits

List of Essential Oils and their amazing benefits

March 18, 2016

When you think of essential oils what comes into your mind? I guess to many of us, it’s about that sweet aroma or scent that comes with various times of essential oils available in the market place. Well today we ...

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